Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sirens & Songbirds

One of the most amazing parts of living in Los Angeles is being able to discover so much emerging talent before anyone else. Bonus points when the one harboring such talent is a friend or loved one. It is both exciting and inspirational to be surrounded by people who, too, have creative passions and dreams to share them with the world.

That said I am beyond happy to use my creative energies to support their craft. Recently I had the pleasure of photographing two different friends, Emily O'Halloran and Jessica Woodward aka Raelux, both of whom are local songstresses. Fingers crossed, you'll see some of these photos lining jewel cases at your local record shop or in Rolling Stone some not-far-off day (A girl can dream, ok?). I could go on and on about my love for these talented women but instead I'll just tell you to click on their names for music and info and save the space for more pictures. And how could I possibly forget to mention the artistry of Jennifer Morgan and Erin Dudley who worked (respectively) their brilliant makeup magic on these shoots? Oh, the talent pool that is my group of friends!

The following images are a combination of 35mm, medium format (Holga), and Polaroid (via my SX-70 camera). If you or anyone you know has interest in working with me on a future photography project, please feel free to comment or email. Insert shameless plug here. :)


Emily O'Halloran


Anonymous said...

Seriously! You are so talented. I love your photos. Collaborate... YES! Let's shoot together, let's blog together, let's model for each other... and if you ever need a stylist for a shoot, let me know!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Thanks for the work.

Tim Easton