Artist: Calethia DeConto
Assignment: Public Poetry
Materials: dry wall, ink, frustration
My favorite collaborator (and fellow S.S. fan) Calethia DeConto snapped this image of a piece of dry wall she rescued, then stashed in her car for months before finally finding the spark of inspiration to scrawl upon it thoughts of frustration. Miss DeConto, a noted photographer currently based in LA, is notorious for finding beauty in things otherwise overlooked and with the aid of her magic lens her subjects' worth is transposed.
Speaking of all things Calethia, our lady has recently completed installing her very own dark room with which she introduces The Beauty Seeker Dark Room, available for custom black and white printing. See the image below for info on the dark room and how you can donate funds to help its existence! Support local dark rooms! Trust me, this girl is totally gifted. If you don't believe me go look here and here.